Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Intro: WTF?

Every once in a while, you stumble upon a blog so deep, so earth-shattering, and so unmistakably the product of genius that, when you have read it, your life changes forever.

This is not that blog.

It is inspired by one like that, though: the wildly popular Livin' in Oblivion, which follows the life of Nondrick P. Cairk'tir, a player-controlled NPC trying to eek out a meager living. This is my attempt to capitalize on that blog's success, to reap some of that fame and glory, and to set more faces smiling.

So is it just a cheap imitation? Of course not! It's a complete rip-off, is what it is. I even tried to steal the name, but is taken by an emo goth blogger. Alas! I shall have to be tragically creative and change the name slightly.

So if this blog is a total rip-off, why do it? Well, besides the above reasons, it just looked like fun. Chris has taken an excellent game and turned it into an immersive experience just by slowing down to smell the roses. I want to do that, too. I role-play in Neverwinter Nights all the time, so why not in Oblivion? Time to roll up a character and run him/her/it/whatever through the game.


  1. First post I spotted was your most recent one
    I almost had to kill you for ripping off a genius
    Until I read this here and realised you gave him credit and praised him as an almighty Goat.
    You are free to live...
