I'm up first thing in the morning, and after a hearty breakfast of venison and cheese, I'm out the door. The sun hasn't risen yet, but I can still get my movin' an' groovin' on.
Yesterday I explored the to the north of Anvil, along the gold cost. Today I'm going southeast. There's a big hole in my map I'll try to fill in today. But my real goal, of course, is to shoot something furry with my bow so I feel like a real man. Err... woman. A real woman.
A quick swim across Anvil's harbor and I'm hiking virgin territory. Well, I think I am, until a giant ruin looms in front of me. Yipe! I'm about to consider going around, considering how close my call at the last abandoned fort was. Hands up, everyone who wants to live today? Right, we're turning around!
But then the adventurous side of me says I should check it out before I run away. Eh, what could it hurt? So I creep up ever so slowly using my kick-ass ninja-hunter moves. It's a good thing, too, because right in the middle of the ruin I find... huh. Nothing but an abandoned chest. I take a look around, but I don't see an owner anywhere. I shrug and pop it open.
Jackpot! A handy little potion that would have cost me a pretty penny is here free for the taking. It also occurs to me that I just looted my first ruin. Okay, I didn't actually go inside, but who cares? Lookit me, ma! I'm an adventurer!
From atop the tower, I watch the sun rise over Anvil, enjoying the peacefulness of the morning. Ah, what a way to start the day!
I begin heading inland more, until I see a figure skulking around a wayshrine. Now, I know by now that the folks I see hanging out at shrines are probably friendly. But she hasn't seen me, so set myself a challenge. See all those flax plants around the shrine?
Yeah, I'm gonna pick all of those without her seeing me. So I do. Using my ninja skillz, I hop behind pillars and tiptoe around ever so carefully, freezing when her eyes fall over my hiding spot. After I pick all the flowers, I slip away. Needless to say...
Still, my awesome stealthiness doesn't hold out long. I spot a deer up ahead, pull back and arrow, and then spend forever trying to take a screenshot so you can see the awesomeness of the kill. The deer, probably hearing all the cursing going on as I try to hold down the mouse button and press the correct key combination to take screenshots, bolts. I chase after him, but I'm no match for his speed.
A little more wandering brings me to an old Ayleid ruin called Garlas Agea. There's some flashes of light as a conjurer starts summoning magical backup. But then he goes running the opposite direction, leaving me to assume he was not after me. I steer clear of the ruin anyway, preferring to pick the St. Jahn's Wort and Lady's Mantle that grows so thick around here. My gathering eventually leads me to a road. I see wht look like a little town ahead, so I approach. It must be a friendly place, because a fellow runs out to greet me. Hey there!
Oof! He starts swinging fists like whole hams at me. I backpedal and whip out my trusty blade. Bring it on!
Oh? He's drunk? Well, that explains a lot. Whatever he's on hasn't addled his wits too much, though, because as soon as I draw blood with my dagger, he hightails it. I consider firing an arrow over his shoulder as a warning, but think better of it. Given my luck hitting animals when I'm trying to, I'd probably stick him right in the back on accident. Hmm... maybe this could be a new hunting strategy? Try to miss and "accidentally" hit? I promise myself I'll try it on the next animal I see.
My woman's intuition tells me the town is actually an inn, and that it is called the Gottshaw Inn. This is confirmed by a large sign and by the proprietor, a genial Bosmer fellow quite willing to sell me lots of food that I can mush together into paste and sell back to him at a profit. I do enough of this that I begin to learn a thing or two:
I don't hang around long, though I make a a note of the inn on my map. This'd be a nice place to spend tonight, I think. No, I head back into the wild, determined to get me some meat for lunch. And determination must make things work my way, because my hunter's sight alerts me to some boar running around nearby. A single well-placed arrow nets me a tasty boar steak. Yummy!
A little bit of herb gathering later and I'm charged by a wolf. He doesn't seem to like it when I slice him with my dagger, though. In protest he falls down dead. After I skin him, I go to continue on my way, only to find the corpses of two more boar. Wow, the little guy must've killed them just before I came. That explains a lot; he was defending his kill from me. Of course, he failed, which means now I get to take the meat. Looks like I'll be eating boar steak for a while!
I also run into another old fort. Considering the profit I made at another fort earlier today, I decide to peek inside this one. One fast paced fight with a marauder later, in which I was too busy fighting for my life to take screenshots, and I've used most of my poisons and potions, lost 3/4 of my health and my nice new armor has been ripped to shreds. Dammit! Yeah, I'm not going to be checking out any more ruins any time soon. Not if I want this blog to last another day, anyway.
So it's back to the road towards the Gottshaw Inn. I get me a room for the night, head upstairs, and find this place, too, stocks their rooms with free clothes. Sweet! I change, and head back downstairs for a night of drinking with the shirtless barflies. Yee-haw!
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