Sunday, April 19, 2009


So, I've gotten about 25 days into my non-adventure, have gotten a quaint little farmhouse, accidentally fought (and killed) liches, minotaurs, trolls, and atronachs, amassed a sum of 15,000 gp from hunting and alchemy, and so decide I might as well come make a post about it.

And... I come to find I'm missing screenshots. About 200 of them covering the next five or six days of Sharlassa's life. Which are pretty important.


So, what to do now? Well, I've been using the screenshots to remind me exactly what's been going on in the story, and without them it's hard for me to remember how I got to the point I am when the screenshots next appear. So I can't really paraphrase and pick back up later. On the other hand, I don't want to go back to 23 days earlier so I can pick things back up. I think the only thing I can really do now is to call it quits.

I hate to do that, but I don't have much of an option here. I may decide to roll up a new character and get underway, but I want to fix things up so it's not just more of the same, so there's a real character being fleshed out in the game.

I'll let you know what I'll do soon enough.

EDIT: Well, I was going to pick the blog back up with the other character I mentioned, but among the screenshots I lost were all but two of her first two days in Cyrodiil. Argh * 2.

Instead, I've chosen to go back and pick Sharlassa up from where the blog left off with her. I save my game quite frequently in case of crashes, and I have saves reaching all the way back to Day 1. I wasn't excited about trying to redo things to get to where I was. While I encountered quite a bit of excitement, I didn't want to have to relive all those days and try to get them right.

But Oblivion is a game that's never the same twice. I couldn't bring the game to where I was even if I tried. So why not try to do things different and watch how things play out? So I'll be loading the old save and picking things back up from Day 3. Hopefully an update will come tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Aw man, that sucks. I was enjoying this. Ah well. I hope you can get something else down soon, that'd be great.

